Book Review on Catching Fire

Fire” Book Review:

Catching Fire is the novel written by Suzanne Collins who is one of the most famous American novelists of our times. The science fiction novel is the continuation of the first book of Collins, which attracted much attention, The Hunger Games. In her second book the author continues describing the life of the human civilization in the fiction post-apocalyptic world. It is obvious that the life is extremely difficult and people experience problems of different kind: love, independence, friendship, politics, moral values, etc. All in all the author presents everything which attracts human mind and inserts it into the book.

The book describes the possible development of the modern human civilization, if it does not stop ruining nature and production of powerful weapon. If the humanity experiences apocalypses, the events described in the book can become real. In the total chaos there only one possible variant of power, government and law – totalitarianism. In order to create peace in the world the government will control everyone strictly and punish severely to avoid any protests and active opposition. The main characters live in such a world and try to survive in it without losing themselves.

Writing a book review a student has first of all to read the novel in order to understand the plot, problems and themes presented there. Very often the genre of science fiction is not interesting for students or provokes problems with its understanding, because very often such novels contain serious problems and complicated ideas. Sometimes the best way to understand the book is to read various critics of different writers who has analyzed the novel and prepared articles on it. Without good critics it is difficult to catch the idea of the author successfully and to find the interconnection between the plot and background problems hidden in the text. So, a student has to get to know with the book, analyze the plot, the characters, describe their inner world,their role in the book and determine the value of the book for the world’s literature.

Book review writing requires much time and creativity. Besides, student has to be able to think critically and analyze the content of the novel soberly and wisely. In order to complete a high-quality book review one will need a good example for writing. A free sample book review on Catching Fire found in the Internet is a reliable help for students who do not know how to organize the paper correctly. Such assistance is valuable for students and helps them to construct well-analyzed properly-structured papers which meet the requirements of the teachers. A free example book review on Catching fire will teach students analyze the content professionally and format the paper according to the standards and norms of their educational institutions.

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